Coaching and mentoring services 

   Challenges we might address:   

•Prenatal and newborn sleep 
•Sleep for babies, toddlers and, children 
•Sleep for pre-teens, teens, school-aged and parents (young and old) 
•Smaller problems like early mornings, nap resistance, nap transitions, etc. 
•To bigger challenges like bedtime battles, waking up numerous times, excessive help to be able to fall asleep (if it is not working for the family anymore), insomnia    

Potty training:
 •Not knowing where to start 
•Not looking forward to this milestone 
•Started, but facing some potty troubles 
•Facing problems such as withholding or nighttime potty training    

•Parenting effectively through behavior issues including defiance, tantrums, and sibling rivalry 
•Developing a healthy family connection 
•Parent stress, self-care, and positive parenting 
•Mama guilt   

And much more….. 

Options and packages:

If you are unsure about which option or package might be right for you, please feel free to reach out. Send me an email with some details (your child’s age, the situation, and challenges) and I will be happy to guide you to which option might be best for your unique situation.
*The prices for packages below will be separate for each child. When needing to review questionnaires , sleep logs and prepare plans, these need to be done separately for each child, hence a separate package needs to booked per child. If you have twins, multiples or need support with siblings, contact me for sibling discount. 

Pick my brain clarity session: 97€

•60 minute video call consultation
This session is for smaller issues
Or perhaps just need some guidance and mentoring in your current situations


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Follow up support 3 days €
Follow up support 1 week €
Follow up support 2 weeks €  

The follow-up support works via WhatsApp.
We will be in contact every day of your chosen option length. We will discuss the changes you are making and any additional changes that might be needed. I will be there to support, guide, and mentor you throughout. This also includes a sleep log assessment for each day

Prenatal and NEWBORN sleep package 129€

•Questionnaire review
•Action Plan
•45-minute video call consultation
Parent to be and all the stories about not sleeping are scaring you? Or perhaps you have a newborn and you need some guidance and help through this brand new journey.
This package is for parents in their 3rd and 4th trimester (babies up to 4 months)

If you are unsure about which option or package might be right for you, please feel free to reach out. Send me an email with some details (your child’s age, the situation, and challenges) and I will be happy to guide you to which option might be best for your unique situation.

How does it work?

The first step is for you to decide which option you would like to have for your little one.  The information is all provided above for you to make your choice.

If you have chosen a package that includes a questionnaire review and plan:

Once you confirm and make the payment, I will email you a questionnaire to fill out and send it back to me.
It's from this questionnaire that I will examine and gather the information needed.
You also have an opportunity in the questionnaire to provide your wishes and concerns and I will keep them in mind when building your plan. I will then build you a plan from the information gathered. This takes me about 3-4 days to complete. There is a lot of work that goes into preparing a  plan specifically for your family.  
We then set a date to meet for a consultation via zoom or WhatsApp video call on a date and time that suits us both.
Rest assured that this does not affect our road together at all. We can have the consultation from the comfort of your home.  

The consultation will last roughly 60-90 minutes. Here we discuss everything on your plan, you get to ask questions and we make sure follow-up you are comfortable with the plan. And you will also have the options for follow-up support following our consultation.  

I want to add that I have a background in psychology and the psychological wellbeing of every single child and parent is of utmost importance to me. I've never asked a parent to do anything they are not comfortable with. I also don't force a child to do anything they are not capable or ready for and thus I like to proceed at each child's individual speed. With my multiple children clients in the past, it's happened often where we could move faster with one twin and slower with the other,  as even multiples are unique.  

 Pick my brain clarity session:

Once you have booked the payment has been received, we set a video call appointment either via WhatsApp video call or zoom.
It works very much like a Dr. appointment where we will discuss your situation and I'll guide you on how to move forward and suggest solutions.  The consultation will last around 45 minutes.  
If you don't wish to go for a package or perhaps they are out of your price range, then the pick my brain clarity session is a great place to start. You will walk away with loads of information, knowledge, and tools for your parenting basket.

Additional services:

As great as it is to have tools, knowledge, and solutions to your challenges, often we feel that we can not do it alone. The additional services are there for your peace of mind to know that I will be there to hold your hand, guide, mentor, and support you through the changes you implement. It will be great if you can book any additional services together with your chosen package, that way I can be there for you from the start. If this is not possible, please book this within the first 3 days of you starting your plan or implementing the changes. It is easier for me to troubleshoot with you from early on, rather than 2 weeks down the line.

Any workshops will be announced in my free Facebook group, as well as for my email list subscribers. Should you wish to stay up to date, please join one or both of these.
Workshops are delivered online and need to be pre-booked and paid in advance. All instructions and links are provided after registration.

*Please note that all payments needs to be settled in advance. Your appointment / workshop spot will not be secured before the payment has been received. All purchases and payments are non-refundable. 

Have any questions or concerns? Or would like to book?

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